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Blicher Hemmer Gadd in Hemels

  • Wednesday 30 October, 18:00 – 19:15 hour21:00 – 22:15 hour
  • Thursday 31 October, 19:30 – 20:45 hour

Blicher Hemmer Gadd is a jazz trio consisting of three of the most acclaimed musicians in their field: Legendary American drummer Steve Gadd , four-time Danish Grammy-winning saxophonist Michael Blicher and Danish Hammon organ wizard Dan Hemmer .

There are many things that set this talented trio apart from other jazz bands, but especially the ease with which they work together while playing and the way they then share this with their audience is special. Each of these men seems to have an incredible feeling for the atmosphere of the others, and does not let go of their own unique view, creating a deep-layered whole.

This amalgamation of musicians has produced three critically acclaimed albums. The band has toured much of the world, and has fans in Japan, Australia, South East Asian countries and many European countries. Blicher Hemmer Gadd is proof that music is a universal language.

That language is what Steve Gadd calls “honest music.” Listening to his hypnotic drumming, to a blistering saxophone solo from Blicher or to the way Hemmer makes his Hammond sound like it’s being played by two people, it’s easy to understand why Gadd says, “Nobody plays like that anymore.”